Support to form groups and sign thoughts
Amanda Filgueiras
Márcia Valéria
Social Group:
Maria Gracinda Cardoso Garcia Conde
Escola Municipal Didia Machado Fortes
Rua Desembargador Antônio Pereira Pinto, 430, Barra da Tijuca,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
CEP: 22793-070
Our project was made at Escola Municipal Didia Machado Fortes with Maria Gracinda Cardoso Garcia Conde, who teaches social studies, science, portuguese e mathematics for the 4th year. During the meetings, we collected her sentences and observed the activities given in class. The intercessory’s goal was to make her students think, express themselves and interact with one another, wanting to make their lives happier, always seeking to talk to the students, including matters from outside the classroom to make them realize that the content of the classes are present in the experiences of each. This goal was very expressed in the third meeting, when Gracinda gave an example that was present in her life, of her neighbor’s pool with a natural filtration system, relating with the subject taught in science class wich was focused in nature preservation. From the set of words that compose Gracinda’s vocabulary universe we recognized as the theme for the project: “Happy people... Reads, multiplies, divides their thoughts and feelings. Shares the idea of a better world: with crystal clear water, food and education for all” This phrase was related with the activity observation mentioned above. She said that at that moment she wanted to stimulate her class to expand their world understanding, to develop the awareness of thinking. She wanted to generate a collective effect in the class, so they could see themselves as persons. Through the experiments, we recognized the Adopted Party, to promote meetings in a circle, in wich the students could wear the subject and share their thoughts. We constructed thirty five cushions, with colored oxford and bagun, with different shapes, measuring about 91x54cm, and a heart- shaped vest in red oxford, measuring 95x55cm, pleated in order that the children could place cards made of cardboard paper and transparent contact paper. The material is being used to promote activities in circle, encouraging the group to get closer and express their views on the subject.
Amanda Filgueiras's Conclusion
The Project, for me, not only served for educational growth, but also for the personal. I learned to eat well, to like the juice of sunlight which I refused in the first months, to like children, to hug people... It was very important for me to set me free from things that kept me from thinking, creating, and seeing the world in a more creative way. I have already been hoping for this personal growth, I had decided to go since the workshop we had in the tent, in Project 1, just didn’t expect to learn much more than I thought. I did not expect that me, who refused to eat vegetables, and felt disgusting juice with anything more than fruits mixed on, would eat fruits and vegetables and drink the juice of sunlight. A great learning experience that I have hoped and learned was to like children. When I arrived at Didia the first time and the children were fascinated with me, I kept thinking "What do I do?". In the first hug I received from a child there, I didn’t know what to do. But they were conquering me, showing me how to like them, and at the end I was hugging them stronger and was very touched to receive the honor that one of the kids did: She cut and painted pink her Barbie doll’s hair and said it was a tribute to me. I thank Marcia for making herself available to travel far and spend three weekends hosted in my house to finish our project, also for putting me up in the moments I wanted to give up and the great ideas she always has. That created in me that will power is greater than the obstacles, and we showed it to each other during the period. I thank Gracinda for saying at the end of G2 presentation, "I taught that girl how to hug." I realized she was teaching me only when she spoke that, and I really learned it. That created in me that lessons are not passed olny through words, and made me realize that this is what happened during the entire period, I learned not only through words, perhaps more through experiences.
Márcia Valéria's Conclusion
On the first day I stepped in the classroom, I confess that I came with a certain arrogance thinking that because I had done well in my Project 1 it would be very easy, but after one semester I realized that this project was anything but easy. Over the years I thought that the most closed I stayed, the harder it would be to hurt me again and during this project I undressed of those armors. Let arrogance aside, listened more, ventured, messed up, messed up, messed up again, learned, tried, fought, forgiven, loved, realized. I could write a page of things that I did, but I’ll quote the thing that I made a lot this period that make me realize how transformed myself: I cried. There was a time in my life that I had stopped crying, maybe the tears had dried or simply thought it would make me strong not to cry, I suffered in silence not for myself, but to save the people I loved to feel my pain. However, when I was unable to mourn the death of my grandmother Eunice, I realized there that I should start to change. Gradually I returned to cry, but nothing excessive, silent tears shed only by the loss of my other grandparents. And just cried to the point of sobbing in the death of my grandmother Albina, who was the one who helped raise me and that is the loss that most hurts me to this day. I told this story just to say that the project has touched me in such a way that each new presentation made me cry. I’ve put myself in the place of those people, in place of Gracinda, in place of the children, I felt every new thanks that was written with my tears rolling, every new "that created in me...", because what came next was not just a thank you, but a discovery of myself. When at the end of the final presentation Ana asked me a word I said "compassion" because by far was the thanks that most made me cry and what I did without realizing. I thank Amanda for the phrase "I am so used to live with you that I don’t think you’re a stranger in my house". It made me frightened because I was thinking the same thing moments before she spoke. Thinking about it, we've dealt daily for almost a year and it was not strange to be at her house. Her family was so welcoming that I felt at home, thank you for becoming my family for three weekends. I thank Maria Gracinda for, while doing the final experimentation of our project, she organized with the kids a little soiree and during this soiree read the poem: Halfway Through the Path, Carlos Drummond de Andrade. She said "Many people at the time were wondering what was the stumbling block of Drummond. Problems? Love? Until one day someone asked the author what he meant and he said: Is just a stone". In my life I went through many rocks in my way, I often wondered why those rocks were there and I was blowing that out of proportion, when in fact they were just "stones". Reflecting on it now, I had stones in my way, I left some aside, removed, bypassed others, but the largest of my stones was the bullying and I climbed. That created in me that there will always be stones, but it's up to me to decide what I do with each one.
Maria Gracinda's Conclusion
Participate in this project for the second time was extremely enriching. Amanda and Marcia developed many creative and exciting activities with my students. Every time they came into our room, we knew we would have moments of reflection and knowledge. My gratitude is for Ana Branco for this possibility, and the dear girls for showing my students a wider and human vision of life. Thank you.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau