Carpet to learn to respect, trust and thank people

Joana Dutra de Andrade
Social Group:
Alexandre Ramalho
CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto
Rua Visconde Silva, s/n, Humaitá,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
When I decided to pursue the 1002 Project in the “Tent”, with Ana Branco and Vicente Barros, renowned scholars of Puc-Rio, I thought it would be very similar to the 1001 Project, as I heard that the methodology would be the same. As the Project progressed, during the first semester of 2014, I got involved in such a way that it occupied most of my time. The first task was to find municipal school teachers that would be interested in contributing to the development of a product to assist the kids to learn. The product, a pedagogic tool in the classroom, should be developed in order to catch the students’ interest . I was interested in the P.E classes, ministered by Alexandre Ramalho. He immediately captivated us because of his loving way of dealing with the students being, at the same time, a disciplinarian. The activities that would be part of the work would be diversified and would give a sense of integration, singular to the group. Mr. Ramalho loves his profession. He teaches children from ages 5 to 7 years old in the CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto, in the Humaita neighborhood, and in other public schools. He’s focused in teaching precise movements and dexterity, and developing the children’s motor skills. Above all, he tries to build character, by teaching fundamental values to the students. The children quickly absorb his teachings through play extremely fast. That has always amazed me, specially because of the level of cooperation and happiness Mr. Ramalho is able to achieve. This horizontal integration, between the professor and the kids was a key factor in the origins of our work concept. In the first four classes , I observed that Mr. Ramalho made a circuit limited by cones, so the children could run, followed by some free time (so the kids could play soccer, volleyball, basketball). I kept a Grade pad with me at all times, and wrote down the words he said, that were important to convey some sort of message to the kids. After putting the key words together, I did a word game and came up with the “frase- objetivo”: ‘Its cool to respect, trust, and thank people.” This was the foundation for the experiments and definition of the “partido adotado”, specifying the process to match with Mr. Ramalho’s expectations and interest of uniting the physical education and the humanistic education. As it follows, I went through several studing phases and found an adequate model for the final prototype: A carpet of Bagum, measuring 150 x 170 cm, rectangles formed by the seven colors of the rainbow, like a patchwork quilt. On each rectangle, sewed small geometric shapes Velcro, which can hold small pads. These pillows were also in geometric shapes and in rainbow colors, with Mr. Ramalho’s illustrations that mirrored the exercises – left foot and right, left hand... In order to complete the game, he asked for two blindfolds. The rug””” Project was met with great enthusiasm from the kids and the teacher. They were euphoric, talking about its comfort and scale of possibilities for exercises and games. Working in this Project with Ana Branco and Vicente was a very gratifying experience. The challenges proposed by the teachers inspired my curiosity, my despair, rage, love, all the existing feelings. At the end of it all, everything turned into gratitude, satisfaction, admiration, only good feelings. I felt stimulated by the teachers at each step of the process. And in each step of the process I saw I was able to overcome myself, not only as a designer student, but mostly and more importantly, as a person. I took every and each lesson forward and got stronger at each step of this way. Now I can see how this all was so important for my education as a human being. Besides that, all the ambience of the tent (“barraca”) created a common sense of family amongst the members of the group. We all have now a deep feeling of friendship. We now share the same passion and belief that we will have these feelings forever, that we will cherish these memories for, if not all of our lives, many and many years. After theses months working together, I can see that the teachers are there to show us that we can always overcome ourselves and that a true design project depends on the work of people that trust one another. I will strongly recommend to everybody to work at the “barraca”, because I do believe that we learn to grow up there. I am indeed very grateful for having been through this fantastic experience. I thank Alexandre for being a great partner, a serious and funny person at the same time. This amazing experience taught me to understand that it is possible to develop projects with strangers and get great advantages from it.
Full evaluation of the Intercessor
Again I had the opportunity and pleasure to work on this project which is developed with teachers from public schools in Rio de Janeiro. Besides the development of the project, the professional network with students of Puc can find alternative employment, particularly in my discipline, running a bit of sports practices already known giving opportunities to recreational activities which have an important role in this age group. The project took place smoothly and lively manner, as Joan student had the opportunity to attend classes, facilitating the understanding of the needs of public school students. With the responsibility of the student and creativity, the project had several ideas that are sure to be enjoyed at another time. The final product perfectly met the age group because it is a colorful, pleasant and able to work various activities into one (variations) activity, offering no risk of accident for students. Thanks again for having participated in the project.
Grade: 10
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC/1AD
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau