Hat to listen to the silence

Julia Cardoso de Castro Berry
Meyrele Torres
Social Group:
Magno Sales
CIEP HUMAITÁ - Colégio Presidente Agostinho Neto
The Project took place at CIEP in Humaitá. The Project was done with professor Magno who teaches the first grade. In this public school, the professor teaches all the subjcts during the alphabetizing phase. He attemps to incluide reading activities in all of his class and always looks for an eficiente manner in which to teach the students. For exemple one of the activities that we wacthed at the beginning of a classe, professor Magno gathergo all of the children in a circle on the floor to tell them a story, all of the students paid attention and interaced with questions. After the story the teacher sang a song with the children about numbers. Next he began activities with the students sitting on their desks, he explaingd the letter of the day (letter B) and explingd the sounds of the letters to there children. From the combination a words spokgn by the professor, we decied on the pharse of the Project “ Eduacation begins by hearing silence, whick is a way of conversation. Let’s listen to the princess and the super heors, who together with Family will help the children learn to read, write and tell stores.” In the observations that we made in professor Magno’s class we noticed that is many of the activities are praticed listingn stores. For exemple, during the story when all the crildren are sitting in the circle the teacher Always remind the students thar during the story they can only listen. His class Always beggins with story telling. The second parto f the class is alphabetizing. The adopted methodo is foucus on lisgning, wich the staring point in the learning process. We made as the final Project a hat that amplifies hearing. We also did small cards that tell stories and words for the children stick on the hat. The materials used were: brim, cotton, velcro, PVC, linha e morim. For cards: acetate, White viés, feltro and velcro. First, we made a mold of Kraft paper, and after we got the molds we leave for the materials. Made of PVC Hat tab, we shape all the PVC to be with structures to fit in the ear, padded flap brim and hat, put the velcro on top of the brim, and made back in head regulator with velcro. The cards made with felt and bias, tailor the bias over the acetate and the felt. And behind the felt we sewed the velcro. The drawings that we put on the cards we get from the internet, based on the choice of the professor, and made with PVC small plates so that the teacher can use any way you want and fit in the cards. Is being used as follows: professor Magno calls two children to place the hat (each one puts a) and he let the kids choose which character they want to be to tell the story. Children choose the character, and one of them begins to tell the story first, then the other child continues the story. When the two ends, the professor calls another child, to choose another character to put on the hat. And the child picks up the card with the character she wants and the continuing history of colleagues. In a second activity the professor used as follows: He uses to perform a game. He chooses four children, spread the cards with words on the floor, put the hat in two, and asked that the other two were well aware. They had to hear the word that the teacher would say, and look on the cards all over the floor the word and put on the hat of his double. Who thinks the word faster wins.
Julia's Conclusion
For me doing this Project was a great experience. It was a plasent challenge because of the new ambiente I have discovered. In the beginning I was afraid of it’s difficult, mosto f all the chosen alternative. I was very surpised when the ideas came naturally in my mind. Despite of all hurry and worry I was very happy to see that we achieved our goal. All of this helped us to see another way to please,understand and cheer for other people.We have became a team instead of a class.Everything that i learned about materials,shapes,observations,gratitude and trust made me wiser.I`m very happy and pleased for everything that I have lived at this project.I would also like to thank most of all for all that my teachers teached me.This is the most amazing experience I have ever had.I`ll never forget. I thanks my double Meyrele for all confidence, help, companionship, trust, for having put up with me asking for help, have faced this experience along with me, it was amazing to do project with her That begat in me grow a lot as a person, I have matured a lot throughout the semester and learned other primarily to rely more on others. I am grateful to professor Magno for having received us with so much affection and charisma, for having "stood for" going there and have helped us so much to learn about the hearing.
Meyrele's Conclusion
Did Project II was a special experience. It was a period of great dedication and work, in which I learned to see the new, meet new materials and new ways of working with already known materials. Many learnings. I've learned that the more pleasurable way of creating a product is when it is created to the next, and that contact with people is essential. I learned to look for the answers always in good things, not bad things. Watching the abundance, not scarcity. Many myths about public school were broken for me, as the myth that public education has quality and that teachers are bad. What I saw was a completely different reality: public school has a lot of quality and the professionals who work there are heroes who seek always the better for its students. I would like to thank Magno for accepting this challenge, for having us in your workplace and allowing, for a time, fi zéssemos also part of your everyday life. He set or in our work, and view the fi nal result and know that somehow helped him in his work was a good experience. I would like to thank Julia for their joy, companionship, intelligence and ability to work. She taught me to work as a team so full, relying entirely on the other. Their friendship was one of the greatest gifts I received at the end of this project.
Full evaluation of the Intercessor:
It is important to know that all sectors are anxious to assist the education so that this can succeed for the proposal. The experience of having participated in the project was very important for some speeches were deconstructed and so that new ideas were developed for the applicability of most enriching pedagogical practices and provide students a learning differently. The project also refers to the teacher a form to evaluate their practices at the time who needs to be a clear intentionality of their actions and functionality of their practice aiming at the social and cognitive development of the student. Therefore, we can say that this project is very important when in its culmination the student needs to submit a product picture, assist and enable a form of work. This enables the development of a product that meets the specificities of each professional and non-generic as we noted in some documents and instruments. We can see the materialization of the pedagogical practice of the professional involved in this process when the final product is completed. I appreciate immensely the students and teachers who are engaged in this process, and that of a peculiar shape in assists, for pedagogical practice is not something common and standardized to a space so heterogeneous, which has a huge variety, which is the classroom.
Grade: 10
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC/1AD
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau