Group organizing carpet to learn from
the beginning, the middle and the end

Nathalia Ferreira Lins de Oliveira
Carla Gomes de Sousa
Social Group:
Fabiana Diogenes
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professor Manuel Ferreira, 141 - Gávea, RJ
Telefone: 212746446
As we begin the 2nd semestre of Design at PUC – Rio, we opted for the “Projeto Básico – Planejamento”, developed by the professors Ana Brando and Vicente Barros, in order to keep on with what we have learnt from the “projeto básico 1001.” Therefore we feel very accomplished for its final result. In spite of the same methodology, we realized that the new Project was complex, so it encouraged us to long for this new challenge. On the first week, we came across with our first goals: to look for teachers who were up to receive this project in municipal schools, although we have eight possibilities, we opted for the teacher Fabiana Diogenes, who was not within our options. She had already gone through this experience and looked forward to do it over. Fabiana teaches the Fifth Year (former Fourth Grade) the basic subjects at Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório. With about 30 students, whose ages vary from 10 to 11 years old. Her classes are held weekly, in which she aims to form students not only with the didatic content, but also with lessons for a lifetime, going beyond a classroom. As soon as we arrived there, Fabiana showed herself very excited and hosted us very well, in a way that we felt like we were part of the group. She introduced us and explained the Project to the students. During the class, the admiration for our partner had increased, for this new practice that we had been introduced to. She seeks to encourage the students reading literary works by Ana Maria Machado and Alvelino Guedes. Thus, she arranges students in circles, breaking the standards of an ordinary class. We have felt so amazed and astonished that we left there making sure that we already had our partner. We recognized as our topic for the Project: ““Autonomy and imagination with generous look uncovers stories” from the word set that makes up Fabiana Diogenes’ vocabulary. The defined concept as the goal for our project in terms of first ideas experimentation were objects that did not have a prepared story, because according to Fabiana “it is necessary to have each student assemble, count, organize and dovetail it their own way, (the students are the authors)”. For the final goal had been created, carpets shaped as hexagons with seven colors, that gather the whole class together and can be used in small groups as well (4 students). These hexagons contain pockets with “porta-textos/images” (with 3 divisions), plaques that can be recycled in every new story. These “porta-textos/images” can also be used as portable and to hang on the wall. The materials used to build them was: Brim Cloth (colors: orange, red, purple, blue, black, wine, and green), Acrilom, TNT, bottons, leather paper and Eucatex plaques/pilot pens. In order to use this object, Fabiana put the hexagons together (carpets) on the floor, creating some kind of a big circle in the class. At that step, Fabiana used the little plaques so that each student could write down a word, filling it to complete what was written previously.
Nathalia Lins
“I’m really surprised with the final result of this project, I didn’t think that this road would be that long. Dispite all the hard times, the task has become pleasurable and full of learnings. Starting with the environment, for the class is managed under a tent, it was a transforming experience which I won’t ever forget. The teachings managed by Ana and Vicente, as to the form, materials, notes and gratitude are lessons that made me evolve as a person. I’m very grateful for everything that I’ve experienced on this Project, for the people I got to meet, who helped me out on this road.”
Carla Gomes
“During this period of time, I got astonished with the classes managed by Ana and Vicente, they were very important for my growth as a designer, to live a great experience where I could learn several things such as how to be determined, organized and persistent, which I’ll take with me forever. I’m sure this Project has changed me a lot, I’m very grateful for the experiences I’ve gotten during these months.”
Nathalia Lins's Gratitudes
I thank our intercessor Fabiana for having received this Project and for having hosted us so good, creating a great admiration for her within me in every meeting, experimentation and conversations. I thank her for being a teacher who makes the difference with her students. I thank her for advices and tops for the prototype, proving to be very involved with our Project. I thank Carla for having always been by my side and for having become such a great friend. Her sense of responsabilty and serenity were essential for our partnership and conclusion of our work. We were the right pair for this project and for all motions experienced.
Carla Gomes's Gratitudes
I thank Professor Fabiana for having helped us out until the end and for having made some notes about our work saying “girls, I loved the final work, it’s perfect and it was what I wanted”. It caused me great satisfaction and feeling for having accomplished the mission, because we worked hard so that it turned out fine and that was what happened. At the end, I learnt that all efforts were worthwhile.
Full evaluation by the intercessor:
“Being a part on this project was a very enriching and positive experience as it make me have critical eyes on my pedagogical practice. I believe that understanding the child as the main character of its learning is the right path, and that is the way the whole project has been developed. From the selection of the words up to the construction of the concept, the idea of the child as a producer of knowledgements searching for discoveries was prevailing. I would like to thank the pair for the sensibility of turning this conception in experiments so well-made and coherent with this proposal. It was hard to choose between the hot or the cold, because everything sounded good for me. Each experimente brought multiple questions: teamwork? Working with image? Working with words? At the end, we realize that the educational practical is dynamics and nothing is better than listening to what these children have got to say. I got very happy and emotional with the result of the project that will certainly provide Reading practice in the broad sense of the words and will develop creativity, imagination, knowledgements and values.”
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AD
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau