Mobile frame of collective strength that makes
possible writing and drawing, to then switch
attention and freedom

Pedro Miguel Madlum Ribeiro Faillace
Social Group:
Thaís de Fátima Bittencourt Barreto de Souza
Escola Municipal Almeida Garrett
Av. Gal Guedes Fontoura 530 – Barra da Tijuca,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
The project was made at Almeida Garrett school, localized at Barra da Tijuca, with Thaís Bittencourt, 5th grade teacher in the morning and project teacher by the afternoon. Thaís teaches portguese, math and science, and geography and history also, besides she doesn’t necessarily had a graduate at history or geography as well. During the first observations in class, I could realize that Thaís gives her best to make their students understand and incorporate to their lifes essential knowledges, as writing a expressive text, use a multiplication table, as also make all them realize and understand how their choices can change theirselves in the world. Thaís also showed to the students and to myself, that all persons could make anything and be whatever they want to, and we all could learn those things together. Thaís teaches all this showing to the students how to use collectives substantives, to make them understand how important it is to they learn together in the class. Everybody are also encourajed to draw with freedow. It is possible to each one draw whatever wants, without thinking or concerning if it is right or wrong. From the group of words that compose Margarida’s vocabular universe, we recognized this sentence as the Project-theme: “Not to apologize it’s waste somebody. The love to the differences happens when we grew up together, switching freedom and attention.” Based on this goal-sentence, I could understand that Thaís make their students draw with freedom, because there is no right or wrong way to do it; the things could actually have the colors and shapes of who draws, the way thats persons thinks so. Although, not always the students enjoy these freedom to draw. A few times, they copy the biggest part of the draws asked in the exercises for Thaís, and not actually put on the paper all the freedom that she called for. They don’t put on the paper the way that they look to the world. We could realize, based on the use of our twenty experiments that, somehow, it was necessary to include spaces to all students be also included. And after that, at least one of them should have receive na distinction to actually make the things that Thaís could ask her/him to do. It was really important to understand that everyone had to receive at least one chance to been choiced and also to show that everyone there was able to try and make the activities asked by Thaís, which turn the students more responsible and strongers. It was really important to make that all the students could actually draw or write in some sort of material that helps to not to waste anybody. Thaís show to us also, that it is important to include spaces to make them classify words, because she feels that the classe need to work on that a little bit more. What matters and works a lot in Thaís’s classroom it was to make all the students act someway, making them curious and motivated to act, also showing to them that they don’t have to be affraid to wrong anymore, because Thaís always said: “The error is a natural thing”. Our ideas of text based on the draws of the experiments taked there, could make the students grow with freedom, as it is on our goal-phrase. When then realize that everyone around them could be actually choosed to ask a Thaís’s question or to be responsible for something in the classroom, all them could understand that they could also cheer for their friend on the class. The final object built was a frame made of navy brim, with 60cm x 64cm and also 24 folds pockets with 4cm of depth each, to receive small boards made of laminated eucatex to allow that all students, could draw or write about collective substantives, classification of words, multiplication tables and other themes of the classe. The material allow to write or draw on it, and also erase it after, with a whiteboard marker. It was made 43 small board to receive draws (with 15cm x 15 cm each) from all the students, and also 8 small boards to receive their texts (with 11,5cm x 21cm each) according to what the teacher asked. The both final frames have capactiy to receive 8 small boards of text, and 16 small boards to drawing. In the back of each one, it was made pockets with 24cm x 33cm each to make easier the transport of the small boards. Between the frames, it was built three hinges that makes possible to the object be used and transported at anywhere in the school. The object is used to show and to alllow the students that they have the potencial to draw or write whatever they want to, in anywhere of Almeida Garrett school.
Pedro Faillace's Conclusion
Do one more time project in the tent these semester, it was a huge bet that I made with myself. Do one more time na process that I already knew, with people that I doesn’t know yet, after haven’t conclude all the work last semester, it was a litte bit scary. It was so many uncertainties, but the certainty that I had when I returned, it was a thousand times bigger than all the uncertainties that I had brought with me: I want to live these project, in the beautiful way that it has to be, and it wasn’t last semester. I went to Barra da Tijuca to look for a school that didn’t had any kind of bureaucracy that prevented me to accomplish project. And, of course, I also searched for an amazing teacher-partner that also really wanted a lot to live these experience. It was really hard to face it at least one hour traffic jam everyday in the week – to go and also to come back – to accomplish all the goals and the steps of our project methodology, and it trully worth it a lot. I found it an amazing school and teacher-partner, that was also in fact my partner. Thaís was a lot more than a partner, even more than I could actually imagine in my project. Build all this project with her it was amazing. I leraned a lot of things about myself from what I had observer in their classes. Our goal-phrase made me lose several hours thinking what actually means “Not to apologize it’s waste somebody.”, without that was conected to a simple “I’m sorry” to another person. I was wrong. Thaís teached me that I can always apologize myself, I can always try another time, and she showed me that everything was gonna be allright in the project. I started this project with a duo, and I’m very thankful for all the learning that we have with each other, despite that, this processo it is a lot bigger than any grade that we could actually receive. Build a project in the tent for me means be able to switch in somelevel with somebody. It means to live a process, and also being there and feel things that could actually be built with a meaning, a feeling, besides the comercial and industrial uses. You have to be a litte bit humble to listen the other and say that you actually don’t know anything about the everyday you are watching, and neverthless, you got to have the courage, boldness and strenght to recognize that you want to be part of it, learning and building together with your partner. It is to be able to amaze yourself with the making of an object that works in the context you had observed, but, with the spark of life, of feeling that you and your partner had deposit together. These project is mine and also of Thaís, and not mine only. I feel myself truly amazed by the amount of things that I could actually learn this semester, and how I could actually find forces and energy form myself in the more unbelievable and unlikey situations. And all those things had to happened in the time and planning that we have for the project. Sometimes, I wished to cry and freak out, but then I saw that acting in that way, wasn’t actually help me in the process at all. It was so much valuable to think in another practice solution, some sort of answer that I could actually find in some kind of baloney that I create with my own hands, than spend hours and hours thinking in thousand hipotetical and philosophical solution, also spending all my vital energy with things that actually dosen’t matter at all in that Concluding, I can say that make project in the Ana Branco’s tent is this: you must want do it so much, you also need to be very strong, and be aware that there’s a lot of work to do. Because, that’s the only way that we can find our true potential of internal strenght and also of our skills to make whatever we want in our lifes, don’t matter our age to do it. At least, that was the learning that I got with Thaís, mine project’s teachers, and also all the amazing friends in and out of the tent this semester, that had helped me and also faced this journey with me. That was the only way that I could also grow with sincerity, atenttion and freedom, as I learned with the amazing kids from the 5th grade, which I trully hope, recover and see all them many times yet in my life.
Pedro Faillace's Gratitudes
I’m extremely thankful to Thaís for had simply trust in me and in our project, for had gave me strength, for also had trained me to don’t be afraid to be wrong anymore, for showed me that everything was gonna be allright at every moment. I learned that I got the potencial and capacity to built a beautiful work individually or with a group, since I find amazing people that also believe minimally on the same things I believe also.
Full evalution by the Intercessor:
The process that we lived for the realization of this work contributed significantly for my professional life, as I hope that it has also helped for the PUC student also. The whole experience was very rich, enabling several sorts of work and thoughts that was made by me and always shared with the students of the classroom. The effort and dedication which the PUC’s student had demonstrated in this partnership make me amaze, because he realized each detail and characteristics of the classes. Things that in so many times passed by me unnoticed, and only after our shares and trades, I could actually understand. That look from another field area inside the field od education, made all the difference in the work that I’m developing this year. The Project attended exatcly to mine needs and the ones of the class. The classes become more attractives and funnier. And the huge goal that for me it’s the most important in this whole process, I believe that we had accomplished because of the all activites that we had developed for the project, which it is make the class stay more united. Now, they are all able to perform several activities collectively. And all this I attribute to the experiences lived by the project.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AD
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau