The magic world of stories

Debora Bevilaqua
Paula Robinson
Social Group:
Jacqueline Martins
CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto
Rua Visconde Silva, s/n. Humaitá; CEP: 22271-092
The project was done in CIEP President Agostinho Neto in Humaita and we followed the lessons of the arts teacher Jacqueline Martins The activities that went on in the room had to do with stories or street games and in all classes she asked for children to portray the activity. For example in some classes we saw the teacher telling a fairy tale story while the children listened, and then she asked them to draw a picture of the scene they liked. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Jacqueline, we recognize as the theme for the project: "The lunatic love story" When the teacher chose the phrase, she said that was what represented her love for children and the reason why she was teaching there. An example that showed this lunatic love story was when Jacqueline was completely honest with her students admitting that she was already upset about something and that if she harsher than the usual, they should tell her, like an equal, or when she simply was caring and loving, always complementing on her student’s works and hugging them, providing the love many of them don’t receive at home. The chosen path that was set after the trial of the first ideas was "enter in the history", as Jacqueline put as “hot” experiments those who helped the children to imagine themselves in the story and that improve their imagination. The final object was a tent storytelling dubbed of "playful hut" by Jacqueline. In it, the children could ride their stories with stuffed animals and stick to the carpet while exploring the senses with colorful tulles. The material used to make the structure of the tent were 3 pvc pipes that were connected in a conduit and fell so that swirled and formed a sort of "table". Tulle fabrics used in green, blue, red, pink, orange, yellow frilled and tied in the conduit. And we use Oxford fabric and carpet of blue, green and yellow to make the funds of the scenarios in the bottom of the tent. The final object is being used to help a child who is having difficulty in class activity, or who is doing so much mess in class, that Jacqueline decided to use to stimulate her more to that interest and she can explore not only creativity but the sensory senses by the different colors and textures.
Debora Bevilaqua
With the end of project 2, I can see how much I matured and learned from all the people who I lived during this period. I learned that it is often necessary to have a different look to realize that simple things can become great. In the tent of Ana, we learned to have a more open mind and listen more to others, that way, me and my partner face the project with other eyes. My experiences with Jacqueline made me realize how important it is to love your work and do everything to have a good relationship with everyone and innovate every day, which motivated me to continue always trying to improve my skills so that I help others and made me sure I have chosen the right course. Living with my partner Paula, I saw that teamwork can facilitate and be efficient but also can be very pleasurable, because we had a very sincere relationship partnership and that certainly strengthened our friendship before. I thank my partner Paula for always being open to listen to my opinions and always offer to teach me to do something I'm not very good at. That way,, we could work better as a team, helping us out to the end. I thank Jacqueline for her joy in class and for never gave up on a student, trying to lure him in every way to class. This motivated me to always look for unusual ways to develop my work and to do good as well as Jacqueline.
Paula Robinson
The experience of the project was too enriching for me. I learned to see that there are possibilities beyond what we see first. I understood that we have to evaluate other sides rather than just find a ready solution. When I thought I had understood what would be the final prototype, I was surprised, just to see that I did not know anything yet. Living with Jacqueline, I realized the passion and dedication with which some teachers go over all sorts of adversity in order to provide a better future for their students and it inspired me to want to do the same, to change someone's life. Finally, living with my partner, Debora, I realized that besides communication for the project itself is essential to know the people with whom you work. If before we were friends, now I'm sure that we function as a team completing each other. I'll take what I learned in this project for the rest of my life, not only professional but especially for personal life. I thank Debora for every moment we were able to talk, especially when our interests were opposed because it made me better understand her as a person and as a friend. I thank Jacqueline for all the passion with her profession and dedication she has with her students, as this was essential to teach me the difference we can make in the world and showed me that one day I want to follow this incredible example.
Jacqueline Martins
"Paula and Debora were drawn with a group of very dear and sweet little children of the class 1204. They arrived very princesses,while just when we were working fairy tales and drawing castles, witches and spells. Look what a coincidence! There after observing classes, they returned carrying all kinds of paraphernalia that were experienced by children and selected 'hotcoldly' for me. We were curious .... Of this trial, it was born the “playful tent” with its curtains of tulle and dancing magical colors, their counters walls of invented stories and never repeated. Beautiful! We loved to receive them! I even became a queen after a 'aunt, are them your daughters?' –Jacqueline
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau