Drawing and Writing: The children’s story
being told on the carpet.

Ana Beatriz Negri
Ana Beatriz Negri
Social Group:
Clarisse Magalhães de Oliveira
CIEP Presidente Tancredo Neves
Rua do Catete, 77, Catete, Rio de Janeiro – RJ / CEP: 22220-000
This Project took place at CIEP Presidente Tancredo Neves, located in Catete, Rio de Janeiro, with first grade teacher, Clarisse de Oliveira. At the school, we observed her classes and took notes, which helped a lot with our project’s development. From such observations and the group of words that are part of Clarisse’s vocabulary, we recognized as theme for the project: “With the presence of the class’s love, the children draw their story today” that specially focus in the child’s story and the fact that he/she is only starting to learn how to read and write, because he/she is being inserted into the literate and numbered world. Since it’s their learning how to read and write phase, all the class’s activities had a relation with this insertion, something that gave us a wide variety of ideas we could work with along the project. After the first experimentation, we understood that we should make something dynamic, that was always moving / changing, and also something that involved groups of pupils, encouraging their interaction. As a final prototype, we made a carpet with 1.20m wide and 1.20m tall, with the shape of a regular octagon, basically made of denim and crystal plastic, a kind of plastic that is flexible. As complementary activities to the carpet, we sewed letters and numbers from 0-10 made of dubbed nylon, and rings made of hoses of different thicknesses. The object’s main purpose is to help the learning process of the children in a fun and collective way..
Ana Beatriz Negri
This Project was, without a doubt, a special experience for me. I had the opportunity to work in a completely different classroom than the ones I’m used to and also with so many incredible people around me. In each part of the process I learned something new, not only about the project itself, but also about my limitations, my abilities and myself. It was a pleasure working with Nina and I believe the project has brought us even more close together. To have by my side someone who would encourage me, make me laugh and also calm me in difficult moments was very important and who better than a friend to do that for us? Each and every part of this experience made me understand the whole process of creation, which involves much more than only thinking and doing, and I know I’ll carry this learning with me for the rest of my life. I thank Nina for always being there for me when I needed her and also for being like an engine that drove me to not give up on my ideas. That made me feel calm since I knew I had by my side someone who I could count on. I thank Clarisse for making us feel very comfortable at the school, always with a smile on and good willing to help us, that made me realize happiness can be spread and, if present somewhere, it can be easily identified. That’s probably the reason why we chose the CIEP Presidente Tancredo Neves to develop our project and today I can say that it was definitely developed with a lot of happiness involved.
Nina Bruno Malta
In this semester, it was introduced to me a new viewpoint in various aspects, both in the creative process, as in the configuration of a classroom. The tent, our classroom among the trees, permitted me to experience an horizontal space, creating an equal relation between teachers and students, based on respect, comprehension and smiles. That was totally new to me, a learning environment without chairs, nor blackboard, proposing the gratitude and the free creation. About the creative process, the differential was the confection based on the instincts, on the emotional, on the inspiration in the moment were exposed to the materials. These materials, mostly recycled, suggest an conscious ideology in the experiments production. Through the DSG 1002 subject, I could plunge into children's learning world, what made me have sure about the universe I want to work with, in the future. Also, I could comprehend that going through the project's stages is fundamental to understand it all; we will never achieve the final prototype if we haven't followed our teachers orientation, step by step. I thank Clarisse for her dedication. Since the beginning I could observe her devotion in helping and making her students batter people, no matter the difficulties that some of them go through. The way she addresses to the students proves that, even she's the authority at the classroom, she respects them and tries to understand the reason of their doubts, acting not only in a superficial way, but on the focus of the discovery. This Clarisse's dedication is also applied in helping us to develop the project itself, always showing herself available, collaborating in the best way possible and incorporating our experiments in the classes, making the learning process funnier. Based on this, I have learned that people previously unknown to us, can become key-pieces in the project's mosaic. I thank Bia, my partner, for so many things that I can't barely enumerate them: warn me about the terms from the college; motivate me about the experiments construction; to be comprehensive about the activities I had to accomplish outside PUC, that made me be late all the time; to be a full-time friend and to be always committed, are only a few attitudes that make me feel very thankful and admired. Based on this, I have learned that even people who have different personalities, mores and behaviors can work in a collaborative, cooperative way, helping each other and putting energy in each attitude. For that reason, I was so happy about our result, because over it, I could notice that our team work produced something unique, that even though its functions are already explored, it allowed the school's children to share my pride of the project and my thankfulness to Bia. In general, I thank all the teachers and collaborators for the attention, contribution and exchange. I noticed that the contact I had with the professionals, who went through the tent, was distinct from the others, because they seem to share a similar ideology of deep listening us, share the knowledge instead of just teach, and above all, to pass me that they were always learning. Based on this, I'm thankful to all for showing me that knowledge and learning come to us in the most diverse ways and channels, proving that there's no such thing as right or wrong, but the different and/or innovative.
Clarisse Magalhães de Oliveira
The developed work was very interesting since it proposed a new look of the environment and everyday school life. The learning of different knowledge was awarded with objects that the girls made. All of the ideas presented were interesting, which made it harder for me to discard a few objects. It was very enriching for the class to receive this project!!!
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC / 2015.1
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo