Connecting and creating

Carolina Pércia de carvalho
Manoela de Oliveira Silva da Costa
Social group:
Josete Balbino da Silva
Creche Jacó Inácio Gomes
Estrada das canoas, 720 - São Conrado, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22610-210
The project was carried out in the Jacob Ignatius Gomes Municipal Nursery School, in São Conrado, where we followed the teacher Josete Balbino da Silva lessons. The kids arrive in the morning of day care and leave in the afternoon. In the class we followed there were eighteen 3-year-old children, Josete, the teacher and Isabel, the assistant. Classes were approached from stories which changed from time to time, and the activities suggested in class were related to the story being told at the moment. In telling the story of John and Mary, the teacher proposed an activity on the colorof the witch dress, black, for which the children were given an A4 sheet of paper which had been divided into two: one half with a red lining and another with a black lining. They also received several cuts ofblack paper, which had been painted the day before. For the activity they had to glue the black pieces of paper on the A4 sheet, which had black marks. Another activity we watchedwas the acting of a part of the story of Snow White. One at a time, the children wore Snow White’s outfit and acted the part which the witchoffers the supposedly poisoned apple. Thechildren who ate the applepretended to faint, falling on the mattress they had on their side. Josete’s job is the oneof co-trainer of thinking subjects. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Josete, we recognized as the theme for the project: "at different times children interact with each other ... they sing, jump, get dirty, arepart of the world”. In the activity where the children played with modeling clay, they were interacting with each other and getting dirty and so they played part of the world. After we took some experiments to Josete and asked her to organize the experiments according to those most approaching to the goal in the classroom to those of little use, we concluded that our goal was to make things add to the storytelling and the play. As the final objective it was decided, after a few more trials, thatcolored modules would be joined together to form games and scenery for the stories, and on these modules pictures of the characters of the stories told by the teachercould also be attached. The filling of the modules is made of sponge and cardboardpaper to sustain; the cover is made of sacks; all modules have magnets so they can be joined together and for the images to be attached to them. The images also have magnets and are laminated. The modules are being used by Josete and students to tell stories.
Carolina Pércia de carvalho
On the project 1002 we were privileged to have classes in a different environment from the traditional classroom, which consisted of a tent with sand floors and leaf pads, providing awarm, egalitarian, free atmosphereand which promotes greater interaction between people who are there. Through every demonstration of thankfulness, I showed a little more for those who listened to me and to myselves, I learned that it is very important to pay extreme attention to the people we work with, I also learned to pay extreme attention to myselves. With the insistence and demands of the teachers Ana and Vicente I learned that as we experiment materials we have ideas for new materials that can be the response to what we needed. I had the opportunity to meet magnificent professionals who showed us new things and it made me discover new hobbies, that maybe one day can become a profession. It was great working with my pair Manoela and to get to know her a little more. Josete and the children are a lot of fun, and it was wonderful to be with them. I will miss every single moment. I thank Josete for her way of interacting to the children, for being a mother, educator and friend; the love and respect which the children have for her is clear. This kind of behavior has always generated fascination in me because I like dealing with children but at the same time I do not know what to do on certain occasions. I thank Manoela for the enormous companionship and willpower throughout the project. She is a very strong and friendly woman. Her fellowship and strength always calmed me down because I knew she would be with me until the end.
Manoela de Oliveira Silva da Costa
The project in 1002, we had the opportunity to get out of the box as a living environment to take classes in a different environment, a tent with bamboo walls with sand floor and leaf pads, free environment for a more engaging interaction between students. Also left the box in the freedom to express what we feel and learn through each gratitude that makes us discover a little more learned the importance of paying close attention at all and people with whom we live. Search the new, experiment, create were important steps I learned from Ana and Vicente teachers and also with the employees who have contributed much to the development of the project. I learned to deal with some obstacles and a part of me totally unknown, discovered weaknesses and skills, cried and smiled, blew up and reinvented myself and all these feelings made me grow and mature. I am very grateful to my partner that allowed me to know it more and support a friend, an amazing person. I got to meet professionals from other areas interested in our work as the Deputy Director of the Creche, called Valeria, we received and welcomed with great affection, but what else will feel homesick children, each name and each face are marked in me. All times of the development process had their degree of importance and this was a rich experience of exchanging knowledge and affection. Thank Josete by treating everyone with love, for teaching me the time to be patient, calm as earn respect and certainly won my admiration. Thank you for showing me how simple can mean a lot for someone to teach me that with imagination, creativity and experimenting I can go where I want. Thanks to Isabel, Assistant Josete, the morning shift at day care to receive us with great affection and also an interest and participate in the activities we perform and teach me that when you enjoy what you do are dedicated. Thank Carolina for the confidence, for the fellowship by the will in all the way that we go through. His calm reassured me, your companionship came in and dedication was instrumental in we can achieve our goal.
Josete Balbino
I begin this text confessing that receiving PUC students in my class has a special meaning ... Once it brings up my own training process, as it was in this University I studied and graduated. We know that the project is a necessary learning process to any professional who wants to be prepared to face the challenges of a career. The project allows dialogue between theory and practice, as the student has contact with the tasks that the project presents you, then you begin to assimilate all that you have has learned. Thus, in this perspective, I realized the involvement of the students with the work done in the classroom. Both were always very solicitous and attentive to the development of the work and the demands of the group. Every week they brought novelty, objects that magically turned into learning resources in our hands for addressing different areas of knowledge, such as: the fitting set of geometric shapes (mathematics) and plates of pads with fitting for pictures which together formed a story (sequence logic of a text: beginning, middle and end). Obviously, in a reality of a public Nursery School, in a room with 18 children aged 03 and only two adults to meet all the physical, psychological and pedagogicalneeds, we do not take advantage of the many possibilities that the girls weekly brought, but we are aware of the importance of the role of a partnership like this, i.e. the outside looking in, the student look over the daily practice of a training institution.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC / 2015.1
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo