Together we quantify the numbers

Ritsa Brito
Isabella Lima
Social group:
Escola Municipal Almeida Garrett, Barra da Tijuca
Avenida General Guedes Fontoura, 470
Barra da
We concluded Project II at na Escola Municipal Almeida Garrett in Barra a Tijuca with Carlos, 4º grade teacher. We observed and registered what he spoke during our meetings. After that we did the “Jogo de Palavras” (word’s game) and chose a sentence to represent the project: “O comportamento é importante para um bom espaço de estudo onde juntos produzimos melhor” (“The behavior is important for a good place to study where we produce better together”) On several visits, we can see this concern to unite the students in relation to learning. In one of our meetings, Professor Carlos wanted to correct the texts made by students and even being a typically individual activity, he decided to fix as follows: projected on the board, the computer screen and began to write a new text as an example of a correct text with the help of each student. This activity relates to the phrase as it builds a space where students learn together. Through elaborate experiments, we defined the Adopted Party for the work of the teacher: Search learning abstractly focusing on touch. This definition has shown us that Carlos search out the concrete to make it more interactive and useful learning. As a final prototype, we build a fixed point of 98x64cm made of wood and figures of 38x14cm made of denim, with hanging ropes. In fixed point did three columns representing hundreds, tens and unit and two lines to make accounts. The prototype features designed to assist in math class, where students identify the value of each number in the given column and perform operations like adding and subtracting. Such activity stimulates learning of the orders of the numbers, identifying them and performing accounts through the ropes. Upon entering the project in 1002, I knew it was not just a challenge but an apprenticeship. When unheard of Ana White design classes, all said to be too much work, so wanted to go through this experience, coming out of my comfort zone and forcing me to face new stages of my academic life. As much as my habilitation (fashion) has not so much about the project proposal, I had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences many. So, if I could choose again, would all the same: choose to take classes in the tent with the teachers Ana, Vicente, and Luciana Vanusa. The tent became our working environment and as much as earlier occurred some types of "discomfort" heat bill or not terms which support the back, it was easy to get used. When I first started with the project, I had some difficulties with respect to steps proposed, but at the time we were completing what was needed, I learned to respect and trust the directions of each teacher, because the planning and construction time were which guided the following steps and tasks. Realized within the project, everything is connected, that is, nothing is essential, anything has importance and relevance, and therefore we should not ignore anything. Every observation and noted phrase, we can draw many lessons and relate to different parts of the project and our personal lives. In addition to the partnership between me and my double, which was essentially the methodology of Professor Ana, along with Professor Vincent and the intercessor Carlos, he inspired us and made us believe unschooling at the time of learning, providing a search for new ways and means of learning. What seemed impossible became possible, concrete and done, on the exposed and discussed ideas and thoughts for me and Isabella, from a dedication to exit the learning tax context. Believing in something requires a lot of 'want' it makes us out the obvious, what was so important to me. I thank Professor Carlos by always trying to get out of your comfort zone, accepting everything that we carried him from the trials to accepting the different prototypes and teaching from abstract. This led me to realize that new things can lead to good feelings and learning, these characteristics also helped me overcome barriers such as the breaking of many prejudices to see the world differently. And realize that the "new" and "unknown" can provide me positive things. Thanks to my double, Isabella for always being willing to help and produce independent mood, day and time. This led me to realize the project without it, would not be the same and always want to give my all in everything I do, and can thus produce better and have more effective results.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC / 2015.1
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo