Playing of reread classes with a different board

Ana Carolina Costa Chicarino
Bruna Tardioli de Souza Villela
Social Group:
Professora Márcia Christina Bessa Diniz de Menezes
Escola Municipal Duque de Caxias – Grajaú
Rua Marechal Jofre, 74 – Grajaú. Rio de Janeiro – RJ. CEP: 20560-180
We’ve done our project in Escola Municipal Duque de Caxias, with Marcia Christina, our intercessory, in a second grade class, with kids aged 7 to 8 years. While watching classes we were able to notice that our partner did most of the activities aimed at teaching Math and Portuguese, using the book given by the prefecture, proposing new sheets of exercises and writing in the notebooks. When she was correcting those exercises, she used to call the kids to answer on the board and, at the same time, she was always looking for showing the students different ways to get to the final answer, like on the math exercise she proposed, which the kids could get to the final result by doing a multiplication or addition operation, showing to those who thought were doing wrong, that they were actually right. From the group of words that composes Marcia's vocabulary universe we recognized as our project theme: “Reread the world is today’s exercise”. From this point, we could go back and analyze what, on our partner behavior on classes, was related to the theme phrase, like how she interacted with the kids, in the correction moment, asking them if they were sure about the answer they were giving and if they didn’t want to remake it, reinforcing, thereby, the rereading point, the revision of what they were doing. It was through experiments and those considered “hotter”, that we could see that Marcia wanted to bring new ways of teaching; something that would escape the record on the white board (which was repetitive) and bring the students new challenges. Then, we developed a portable and smaller board, made of leather paper covered by carpet, which Marcia could insert roulette of different shapes. We made five different shapes, two circles, two triangles, two trapezes, two hexagons and two octagons; all made of Parana paper covered by white cardboard and transparent Contact paper, which enabled her to write and erase easily, giving the partner freedom to work any content. In the circular roulettes we added alphabet stickers in one and numbers stickers, from 0 to 10, in the other. Those roulettes could be taken off their spindle to be used as normal shapes, but now, adding a fabric cover with velcro sewed in the back, which would allow them to stick on the carpet board so the partner could calculate the perimeter of the shapes with the students. This perimeter would be calculated with little squares, made by Parana paper covered by fabric with Velcro sewed on it, which is also used as tape measure allowing calculation of other perimeters, like notebooks, for example. The tape measure gives the students a better notion of measure, because meters aren’t a concrete idea for them.
Ana Carolina Chicarino
with public school students would make me sad, because of all the social differences in that place, however the opposite happened. Those kids welcomed us always excited, always laughing, talking and playing with us, and this proved that my thoughts were wrong. Seeing the excitement of those students with our presence and with the experiments that we took, was very gratifying. When we’d stayed a while without going to the school, I missed a lot those kids, I got attached to them and I learned their names and get to know their characteristics and personality. I could get knowledge during this semester, not only visiting the school, but also with Bruna, Ana branco, Vicente and everyone involved in the project. It also helped me to be more communicative, because I’m a shy person and I don’t like to expose my opinion and speak in public, as the communications is one of the most important things in this project, I’ve been learning how to express myself to other people. All the process was wonderful, and having to write gratitude to each situation was very important to recognize the worth of the project. I thank Bruna for have been an amazing pair, who was always there to give her best. Our cooperation was very good, because we became good friends and it helped the process. I’m also thankful for her being committed, helping me all the time, sharing tasks and more important, always bringing a smile on her face. I thank Marcia Christina for agreeing to participate in the project and having confidence in our work. I’m also thankful for her always welcoming us with a smile, making our connivance more enjoyable. This experience made me see the importance of being involved in social works, it’s so important for who is receiving as for who is giving. I could notice it through a satisfying felling inside myself after the end of the project. I thank my teachers for showing the other side of the design, which is faced to the social and for having helped us all the time.
Bruna Tardioli
The experience of doing this project was, beyond a great opportunity, a huge learning for me. I can assure that with it I could see how to bring to my profession the social and human side that I’ve always missed. Knowing I can work thinking about those factors comforts me and gives me the courage to persist on Design and to try make it something life changing, that values the “who you’re working with” above the “who you’re working for”. I finish this period with a whole different vision of my curse, of what I could do with it, and with a will to make so much more for people during my career and my life. I thank Marcia Christina for being with us through all those moments, helping us continue with the project, always pleasant and opened to new ideas. Being on the daily experience of this class and teacher made me grown in an invaluable way, teaching me how to be a better person and professional who is, above all, worried about the social part, with who we’re working with. I thank Ana Carolina for all the help she gave me, for the humor and the great vibe she infected me with. Always there trying to help, distract and calm me, she enchanted me, day by day, by the awesome person she is. I thank Ana Branco, Vicente, Vanusa, Luciana and all the professors for the amazing advices, attendance and help. They calmed us, called our attention and talked to us with a unique patience and kindness all the time. Having them as tutors was essential to get it right and to make us realize the knowledge this experience brought us. Having to thank everyone who has been in our way made us pay attention on the simple things, on the little actions that made us get where we are, being humble enough to always thank, to look with gratitude to people who were simply there for us. The trainees were punctual and assiduous despite all the setbacks of our school calendar. They showed in advance the material that was being produced to the class, also showing knowledge of what was being developed. Both maintained a great relationship with the kids, me, the coordination and the management of the school. Ana Carolina and Bruna collected information from me and the coordinator revealing commitment and seriousness. It became evident the growth in the project steps, culminating in a product that successfully answered the expectations.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo